e-ISSN: 2148-8134
p-ISSN: 2148-5631
Founded: 2014
Period: Biannually

Research Note

Question Posed by Students Pertaining Interpretation Lectures in Ottoman Anatolia Example of the Interpretation of Part of Amme Osmanlı Anadolu’sunda Tefsir Derslerinde Öğrenci Soruları Amme Cüzü Tefsîri Örneği

İsmail Bayer Artvin Çoruh University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Foundations of Islamic Sciences, Department of Arabic Language And Rhetorics



How to Cite

Bayer, İsmail . "Question Posed by Students Pertaining Interpretation Lectures in Ottoman Anatolia Example of the Interpretation of Part of Amme". . Mütefekkir 3/6 (2016), 243-250. https://doi.org/10.30523/mutefekkir.284504

Zotero Mendeley EN EndNote


In this study, with respect to the text, namely “Tefsîr-u cuz-i ʻamme min halakâti’t-tefsîr fî Anadol el-kurûni’l-vustâ (The Interpretation of Part of Amme in the Lectures Given in Medieval Anatolia)”, questions reflecting students’ interests and tendencies in interpretation lectures given in Medieval Anatolia are analyzed to create data for contemporary religious education and Quran studies.

Bu araştırmada, “Tefsîr-u cüz-i ʻamme min halakâti’t-tefsîr fî Anadol el-kurûni’l-vüstâ (Ortaçağ Anadolu’su Tefsir Derslerinde Amme Cüzü Tefsiri)” adıyla tahkik edilen yazma eserden hareketle ortaçağ Anadolu’su tefsir derslerinde öğrencilerin ilgi ve eğilimlerini yansıtan sorular, günümüz din eğitimi ve Kur’ân’a bakış çalışmalarına veri oluşturmak amacıyla incelenmiştir.


Interpretation, Anatolia, Student Question, Religious Education, Medieval
Tefsir, Anadolu, Öğrenci Soruları, Din Eğitimi, Ortaçağ


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