e-ISSN: 2148-8134
p-ISSN: 2148-5631
Founded: 2014
Period: Biannually


The Meaning of Islamic Brotherhood according to some Hadiths/Traditions and the Measures for its Protection Hadîslere Göre İslâm Kardeşliğinin Anlamı ve Korunması için Alınacak Tedbirler

Ömer Özpınar Necmettin Erbakan University, Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Theology, Department of Foundations of Islamic Sciences, Department of Hadith



How to Cite

Özpınar, Ömer . "The Meaning of Islamic Brotherhood according to some Hadiths/Traditions and the Measures for its Protection". . Mütefekkir 1/1 (2014), 129-157. https://doi.org/10.30523/mutefekkir.130236

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Islam has put forth the relation among its members with the concept of "brotherhood". In some occasions, it considers this religious brotherhood superior to biological brotherhood. Thus, muslims are expected to build their interpersonal and social relations on the basis of brotherhood. The prophet determined what muslim brotherhood is, and its law and principles with his Verbal and Actual Sunnah. He paid special attention to the protection and sustainability of this supreme humane value which is a social project peculiar to Islam. He also left behind teachings about what the behaviours which might harm this brotherhood are and the precautions for preventing these behaviours. In this study, the meaning of religious brotherhood and its scope, and the elements that threaten this brotherhood have been determined and the prophetic principles which show the precautions against these threats are going to be introduced under the light of the Prophet's hadiths.
Bu çalışmamızda "İslam kardeşliği" kavramının anlamı üzerinde kısaca durduktan sonra, İslam'ın din kardeşliğine bakışı âyet ve hadîsler ışığında ortaya konulacaktır. Din kardeşlerinin birbirlerine karşı görev ve sorumlulukları hatırlatılıp Hz. Peygamber (s)'in hadîsleri ışığında din kardeşliğini zedeleyen ve tehdit eden hususlara dikkat çekilecektir. Bu tehditlere karşı alınacak tedbirleri gösteren nebevi öğreti ve ilkeler tespit edilmeye gayret edilecektir.


Hadith/Tradition, Brotherhood, Ukhuwwat, Islam Brotherhood, Protagonist Piety
Hadîs, Kardeşlik, Uhuvvet, İslâm Kardeşliği, Taraftar Dindarlık


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