Is “Islamic Fundamentalism” Possible? Is “Islamic Fundamentalism” Possible? Is “Islamic Fundamentalism” Possible?

Neşet Toku Yıldız Teknik University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences



كيفية الاقتباس

Toku, Neşet . "Is “Islamic Fundamentalism” Possible?". . المتفكر 2/4 (2015), 265-274.

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Fundamentalism is the religious Protestant movement that developed upon the spreading of the “millennium” belief, which belongs to the Christian theology, in the USA towards the end of 19th century. Nowadays the word “fundamentalism” is used, sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly, to refer to Islam as an equivalent of intolerance, proviolence and fanaticism. This propaganda is so great that recognition of Islam by a Muslim raises the risk for him to be qualified as fundamentalist. In this essay, we will interrogate whether it is possible or not to establish a relation between fundamentalism, which is a western phenomenon, and Islam by examining historical and cultural background of the both.
Fundamentalism is the religious Protestant movement that developed upon the spreading of the “millennium” belief, which belongs to the Christian theology, in the USA towards the end of 19th century. Nowadays the word “fundamentalism” is used, sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly, to refer to Islam as an equivalent of intolerance, proviolence and fanaticism. This propaganda is so great that recognition of Islam by a Muslim raises the risk for him to be qualified as fundamentalist. In this essay, we will interrogate whether it is possible or not to establish a relation between fundamentalism, which is a western phenomenon, and Islam by examining historical and cultural background of the both.
Fundamentalizm, Hıristiyan teolojisine ait “bin yıl” inanışının ABD’de 19. Yüzyıl sonlarında yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte gelişen dini, Protestan hareketidir. Günümüzde fundamentalizm ifadesi, Batılı ve Batı yanlısı medya organlarında, bazen gizli bazen de açık çirkin, hoşgörüsüz, şiddet yanlısı ve fanatiklikle eş anlamlı olarak İslam’ı anlatmak için kullanılmaktadır. O kadar ki bir Müslümanın Müslüman olduğunu kabul etmesi fundamentalist diye nitelendirilme tehlikesini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu yazıda biz, tarihsel ve kültürel arka planına bakmak kaydıyla Batılı bir fenomen olan fundamentalizm ile İslam arasında bir münasebetin kurulup kurulamayacağını irdeleyeceğiz.


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